Death At The Opera - 0
A cold autumn wind blew through the industrial streets of Lexingrad. The morning light barely broke through the heavily overcast sky above and the citizens of the Empire’s capital hurried from destination to destination to avoid the chill.
A tension had hung over the city ever since the weekend. There was a lot of uncertainty and much chatter about what had gone down but no official word had reached the common folk and nobles alike. Until the Daily Scribe broke the story.
Monday, October 12th 1672, street vendors and news peddlers alike received their copies and the headlines rung out across the cobblestone streets and the towering buildings above:
“Death at the Opera! Grand reopening of the Lexingrad Opera House tragically cut short with the sudden death of star singer Madeline Keen. Suspects killed by the Crimson Guard.”
A tale of death and cruelty was spread throughout the city and the continent at large. Though few knew the truth of what happened that night. A tale written in spilled blood, betrayal and fatherly desperation. For how far will a man go in order to save his child?